Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2858. Must Have Ideas!

I’m more than a little obsessed with a site called “Must Have Ideas”.  It’s one of those sites that have stuff that you never knew you needed until you saw it!
I’ve bought some bits and pieces from them previously, mainly to tidy away stuff in drawers and perhaps the odd kitchen gadget.
This is my latest purchase and it is really surprisingly rather a good idea….I use an ordinary makeup bag usually to keep my bits and pieces of makeup in and it’s a huge pain trying to locate stuff in them and I usually end up tipping everything out on to the bed to find stuff.  I bought this thinking that it might be useful as it negates the need to tip everything out to find stuff and it takes up the same space on the top of the chest of drawers as a makeup bag does.
I used it for the first time this morning and it works brilliantly, found everything and didn’t need to tip it all out on the bed…result!

I have been some more upcycling with the box I posted previously.  The bottom is painted and I bought some truffles to go into it along with some really cute little glittery lip gloss “purses” to pop into it too.  The truffles are a little bit too big for the box so I can’t get many in so I may have to buy an alternative…but I’ll see what it looks like when it’s finished.  I could take out the dividers in it but that might make a mess of the inside of the box so I’ll have to see what I can do.

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