Rise and shine

A rather abrupt entrance into Tuesday at 5.45am,  snapping out of a nasty nightmare into a panicked moment, thinking J hadn't got up for work. But she had already gone. Unusual for me not to hear her. 

So I made a cup of tea and wrote for an hour, then took off for a brisk walk before work. Lovely morning as you can see, although it had been a rough night, with a sea-weedy tide.

Busy day but managed to prep a curry at lunchtime for the  slow cooker,  then remembered I left it at my bro's house. Duh. A low oven did the job. 

Catch up yoga class this evening. 'It's a gentler class' the teacher promised. Nah. Slower maybe, but not gentle at all. 

Managed a bit of browsing this evening - I would dearly like to comment more than I do, and to answer the comments you lovely blippers leave for me, but while I'm working so much (or gallivanting as I do) it is difficult to be consistent. 

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