These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Big Sister Hannah meets her brothers!

Another trip to the hospital.... this time, with three kids in tow! We had our last meeting of the year at church with a marvelous brunch and I got to show off pictures of my new nephews! Then, we headed over to the hospital so Hannah could meet her brothers and my kids could meet their cousins! It was thrilling and they were all so cute in their own way. Tyler was big boy about it but you could totally tell he was thrilled. Mia couldn't stop kissing them. She was totally in love with kissing them. Hannah thought they were pretty neat and talked to them, said hi to them, and even held them... but everything for her was only a few seconds at most. She was more excited to see mommy and daddy and get some snuggles in!

All kids napped and I got some stuff cleaned up.. Then, a friend offered to keep the kids for awhile so I could have some quiet time. What a wonderful friend! So, the kids are playing at the park and I'm blipping and getting some house stuff done. It's almost time to go and get them!

Babies come home tomorrow. Can't wait to welcome them home!

Happy Thursday everyone!

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