
By ishaan03

When life gives you lemons make ..?

I am slowly getting to read my emails and replying to messages that I have been avoiding. My anxiety of seeing anything bad or not seeing a response to which I have had my hopes for has taken a toll on me. I often look and think about the decisions I have taken and feel like all I have done is wrong.

This evening I went on a stroll to the market to have Golgappa with my sister to a Bengali market near to my house. My sister likes Golgappa from this place - she changes her likings every year! This market has plethora of vegetable shops and also a fish shop, which I very much dislike for its smell.

With the stretch of emails I have opened so far I haven’t seen that many negative things, but fear for something negative. My father kept quite today - no abuses for a change - but knowing him this is not going to be prolonged.

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