
By hannahstar

Sarah and I

Such a good day!
We had church in the morning, then we had church lunch. Afterwards we had a choir practice for the Ladies Lunch which is next Saturday. After that Beth and I went to Grace and Sarah's house. James came after a little while too and then we (Grace, Sarah, Beth, James, David, Andrew, Ruth, Naomi and me) went for a walk to Thames Valley Park. It was really fun. On the way there we found a trolley which had been left by the side of the road and as Naomi was getting tired she sat in it and we pushed her! Once we got to TVP we paddled in the river and then just sat around for a bit. Then we came back and sang songs to encourage the younger ones to keep going! Once we got back to the Steed's house we had tea and us older ones went to the youth meeting.

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