
By woodywoodpecker

Spring flowers

Yesterday was a long day. Worked 8.30am till 10pm because of staff shortages and sickness, with only one break at 1.30 - 3pm. I must be mad! On the up side, I haven't had to work today and what a great day not to be at work.

Have done very little, which was just what I needed. Mr W went out this afternoon to get a bottle of plonk to have this evening with tea and also came home with some flowers. I did drop a hint or two that I'd like some but putting that aside hubby did good!!

Been too hot for doggies today. Poppy was icky sick in the garden, I think because she'd been in the sun a sleep for too long, so I banished her to the kitchen where it was cooler. They just don't get it do they. It's better now that we have a bit of shade round the back.

I think tonight's walk will be after the sun has gone way down, so till then, I had better open the vino and enjoy the evening sun and the smell of next doors bar-b wafting past my nose!!

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