
By KCNQ2Haiku

Rudston Monolith

You know it's a break
when.. mum finds a standing stone!
Rudston Monolith :-)

We slept well :-) The morning was a trip to an animal farm which was actually much better than we expected!  It was a bit odd, poorly signposted and clunky in some ways but lovely animals and opportunity to feed quite a few.  The racoons were particularly busy and the goats enjoyed the feed.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku was especially taken by a camel that appeared to be strutting in a catwalk kind of style!  Home for lunch and then of to Rudston to see the monolith.  It's in a churchyard and is the tallest monolith in the UK.  It's thought to be around 4000 years old, so the church was a much later addition.  Apparently the little metal cap was first put on in the 18th century to protect against erosion.  All very interesting.. but I am a sucker for a standing stone as the KCNQ2Haiku family will attest.
Cake and ice cream followed which was more popular than the monolith with the younger contingent and then a final walk before tea.  We over- insulined Ben for his ice cream so he had a bit of a hypo on the walk but that was OK enough.  Fingers crossed for another good night :-D

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