
By shutterbuggery

I could find her in a thunderstorm
Just by the way that the rain would fall
And we used to be something
But somethin' happened to me
Oh, my God, when I was free

-Ryan Adams & the Cardinals

I may have used that lyric before, which is fine with me because I am in love with that song.

Delayed about an hour getting in tonight (at least it was a deadhead!) so I snapped this photo of the jetbridge wall. I thought it looked pretty cool.

All I want right now is some coconut curry and rice and nan. But I'll have to wait until tomorrow (since the meal box I bought requires a microwave, uugh!) and also since I am kind of too lazy to put forth the small amount of effort it would take to heat all that up. So I had some falafel instead (which is an excellent second choice.)

I'm super tired. I have this exact day trip again next week and I really want to drop it. It's not that it's a bad day of flying (pretty easy for the amount of hours), it's mostly because I would rather have it as a day off. I suppose it's gonna depend on who Ill be working with...

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