Pastoral Island

By graniteman

La rue de la Hayes

After an interesting Guernsey blipmeet yesterday when many local blippers got together for a chat and a drink, and with the return of some good weather I am resuming my blips of Island scenes and trivia.

I thought I'd start with another in my series of abreuveurs. This one is situated in the Castel on a hillside in a really scenic spot. When taking this picture I have my back to a series of patchwork fields sloping down to the sea, a lovely rural area. Unfortunately I can't get the view and abreuveur into the same shot.

Its been a great bank holiday with some of the best weather for ages. After a morning of DIY, replacing three doors on an outbuilding, we went out for a bike ride through the lanes on the west coast, discovering some new green lanes that need further exploration.

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