
By Berger

Meetings day

Started the day at the so called  "Pensioners University" or "PU", following a lecture about how the Nazi organization "Todt Org" operated and built  roads, railways and fortifications in Norway during WW2. Todt Org was  led by Fritz Todt "Reich Minister for Armaments and Munitions". He was probably  assassinated February 1942, because he didn`t agree with Hitler`s plan in building a railway to the most northern part of Norway, the city Kirkenes close to the Russian border. Albert Speer took his position a few days later. He hadn`t succeeded in building the railway when Nazi Germany was beaten, something which Fritz Todt had meant was not realistic to do.
Even today no railway goes there. About 17000 forced laborers lost their lives, a lot of them Russians. About 700 retirees followed the lecture today. Lectures are held in "PU" on every Thursday. I go there when I find a lecture interesting. In the afternoon on every second Thursday I meet with my "Boys Club" where 10 to 14 of us discuss an interesting topic . A full Thursday this week. Bought a bouquet of red roses for for Mrs who arrives from Denmark later tonight. She likes flowers.      

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