Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Robin on the gorse

Early shopping trip - pay the paper bill ( yes we still get deliveries) and a few things at the CO-OP but not my favourite chutney ( Plum and Bramley Apple )  I spotted the out of stock sticker straight away.
The membership app was offering me 50p off so if it was doing that with everyone else no wonder there was none left.

Listened to Times Radio one way and LBC on the way back. I do give up when an advert comes on. It's a big change, I can't remember when I last tried BBC 5Live but still listen to other BBC channels Radio4, Radio6Music and even Radio 3 occasionally

Some bits of DIY and painting a window frame.

At the end of the day, a short walk to Bray Clough

The Robin was singing away on top of the gorse and heard over the running waters below.

Extra photo: a sunset just before we left for home and chips for tea.

A mixed up day, I am reading a Val McDermid Karen Pirie novel, we have just been watching an old Vera and now listening to the latest Ian Rankin Rebus. James Macpherson reading a Rebus story is no way to get to sleep though he is so good I want to hear every word.

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