
No.1 had surgery this morning.  We stayed overnight in Tooting and slept on a very comfortable blow up bed, but I was awake early.  She was the first one on the list so was texting me from around 6.00 when she was woken for a shower and preparation.  We had calculated that after surgery she would be back in her room/on the ward by around 11.00 so we waited for the call. An hour turned into two, then three and the worry was horrible.  The boys watched rubbish on TV and ate toast.  We eventually got to see her around 5.00 when she had been moved to her own room.  She looked amazing, had a fantastic colour and was in good spirits.   We stayed for a few hours then drove back to Kent and J stayed with her until she was tired and needed to sleep.  First road hump done.

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