
By Legacy

Part 2

This thing, which is about the size of a couple power strips and equally as heavy, is what all those cords in yesterday's blip are plugged into.   The 8 blobs on the back of the table are paste which was pressed into my hair to hold more cords attached to sensors. The whole thing was attached to me by the black neck strap after which I was tucked into bed and told to have a good night.  I also had sensors on my neck, my cheek, my nose and my leg.  Any twitch, flutter or burp would have been monitored by my technician.  Plus, a ceiling camera gave the technician an opportunity to watch me sleep, or not.  

Surprisingly, I slept about 4-5 hours by my calculations.  They woke me promptly at 5:30 AM and sent me home where I had a blessedly easy time showering the paste out of my hair.  

The results of this adventure have yet to be made known.  I hope the diagnosis is that I do not have a sleep disorder.  If, for whatever reason, I'm told I need to do this again, it'll have to be at gunpoint.  

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