Early Morning Heron

Another early morning walk in the dark and then home to make sure BB was getting himself ready for school.  It was with a heavy heart that I logged on to work this morning, as I knew I had a very busy day in front of me.  I managed to grab some lunch about 3:30pm, in between meetings, I was relieved when my boss stood me up as it meant I had time to eat my lunch.   I was so glad to log off tonight.
BB had rugby training then football training.  I went for a walk in the dark again, as I had hardly moved all day. It’s still very mild – warmer out than in.  It’s been a short working week for me – but it has felt very long.  The next two months are going to be just as busy.
The heron was standing in the river this morning.  It wasn’t quite daylight – but it’s the only picture I took today.

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