Mummy, we love you lots and we miss you

"Your star will always shine in our hearts and in our memories"

So, here I am, walking through the forest feeling sorry for myself. I'm stressed to the max. My asthma is playing up and my chest feels like it's being jumped on every time I take a breath.

It's a part of the forest I don't normally go to but in the pouring rain, it was the most sheltered place I could find to escape to while our real estate agent was showing people around the house this afternoon.

Yvonne Evans died at the age of 38 of lung cancer. She was a competitive runner, a non-smoker, a mother, a wife, a friend and an inspiration. I never knew her but felt compelled to stand by this bench that those whose lives she had touched had put by a wee pond. It was cold, it was wet, it was uncomfortable.

It gave me the dose of reality that I needed to put my own woes into perspective.

Sometimes you just need that wake-up call and that's, I'm sure, why I was sent to that particular place just at a time when I was feeling particularly low.

I have my health (for the most part), I have people around me who love me and who want to help me. I have a loving family. I have Cousteau. I have a great job that I love (again, for the most part!).

I need to stop moping and just get on with it.

I don't suppose Yvonne thought for one minute that her life would be snuffed out at such a young age but it was.

So, there you have it. I did have some other photographs but this one was the one I had to share with you.

Have a good weekend.

Oh, and I've just discovered that I'm famous!


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