swing again

Shortly after our windows were fixed last (click... riffle...) July something happened to the bottom-right-hand one resulting in a slackly-flapping sash cord and a window which required more hoicking than would be required were the weight still attached. Seeing as it was an obvious #fail on the part of the window-fixing man I was inclined to request his return to fix it (mostly because it looked like we'd have to crack part of the frame to get at the inter-window weight-dangling cavity) but we never did and suffered the extremely slight inconvenience of an unweighted window for nine months instead. Nicky was cleaning the plaster-splatter off the windows yesterday evening whilst I got carried away in the hall and accidentally painted over the white on the ceiling and must have been driven by the prolonged sight of the dangling sash cord to attempt to fix it and duly managed to lever off the frame cover (using, I might add, one of my nice ratchet screwdrivers (though at least it was the flat-bladed one which hardly ever needs to be used as a screwdriver (now that most of the non-Philips-head-screw-based-work left be previous occupants has been removed))), gaining access to the cavity containing three attached weights, one weight sitting unattached at the bottom and the absence of an easily-grabbed dangling string even after attempts to get it to show itself by waggling the other end. After a couple of synchronised lowerings of the functioning windows the cord eventually appeared, though had to be untied from the top in order to get enough at the bottom to re-thread and re-tie it. There was nowhere near enough for a double knot to prevent it slipping out of the weight again so it's been bodged with twine in the absence of any proper sash cord in the flat. Depending on how much proper window-string costs I might fix it properly at a later date.

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