Warm day

I only thought to check the outside temp later on, when it was already cooler.
17.1C in the shade in our back garden at 15:40 hours on October 28th seems a weird temperature! 
I'm wondering how warm it actually was at its maximum today.
Shopping was done and I was ripped off for a £1 being short-changed! 
Some shifting of leaves from the garden this afternoon piles of them - but still loads left as my back was aching so I had to leave it. 
Cleared up some hedgehog poo outside and a quick clean up in the house, ground floor only!
Spoke on the phone to my daughter Karen and my Mum. Karen only got home today from a week in Turkey and found she has a telephone appointment on the 31st Oct for the results of her latest MRI (which was August 11th). Hoping for good news - which would be that the schwannoma (acoustic neuroma) has not grown or has grown very little.

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