My life in blips

By Goretex

Broughty Ferry Castle

Took ourselves off today in search of some sun (still looking!) and also to get out of the house as the bathroom refit started today. It will be an interesting week, but I'll get by! Glad I'll be at work during it.

Headed off to Broughty Ferry and took MP along the beach for a mega swim and chase of her ball She did her usual "dolphin dog" impression. Met another flattie who was identical to her - they both shook with excitement before the ball was thrown, they had a swimming race to try and reach the ball first, they had no eye for anyone/thing except the ball. It was so difficutl to tell them apart, but the other one's collar had spots on it to ensure we took the right one home.

Had coffee and a scone at the Glass Pavillion (we were the only ones sitting outside), then had a nosey round the shops before heading home.

Last minute preparations for tomorrow's return to work....

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