Emergency blip

This is a gift from my daughter many years ago. Glass bowl moulded onto wood. Father Christmas has resided there fir many years
I meant to take a pIcture this morning of the cake table at our MacMillan coffee morning. But suddenly got busy and I didn’t . Due to start at 10:30 but people started to arrive at 10:00.we served cakes, parsnip and leaf soup and cheese and ham toasties. We raised £416 . A good effort. Could t believe how much we were given and how many cakes were eaten plus 4 loaves
Later in 5he day we went for a coffee and Christie’s phoned whilst we were in Costa . Had a lovely chat with her which she needed. Matt has got another job at a specialist unit at Calgary airport. He does 8 weeks at the airport then 8 weeks on the roving ambulance but if he is needed at the airport that is a priority. Hopefully starting next month if everything is in order - watch this space.
Need my creative mojo back. HVe Christmas presents to make as well as cards

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