Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Today's been kinda chilled. Little Man and I stayed home. We both aren't feeling great, both really tired but Little Man l, in particular, has not been wanting to sleep and hasn't stayed asleep for long. So he's been cranky and clingy. This has meant I've spent a lot of time giving cuddles and kisses. We've been also watching a lot of reels on TikTok, which Little Man really seems to enjoy.

I've also been knitting when I've had the chance, when Little Man has been up to playing by himself. He still isn't speaking but is trying to make different noises, and at different volumes. He is getting braver with finding his feet and will hold onto people's legs or hands and take steps. He'll also stand up against the baby gate and step backwards when I push it inwards, though he often drops down in attempt to crawl through before I've been able to get it closed behind me.

Hopefully tomorrow, I'll be able to get a decent photo to post.

Thank you for all the stars on my posts over the last few days.

Update: I've changed my BeReal user handle, so the link is correct whilst the link at the bottom of the photo isn't, anymore.

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