Time flies (back)

This red kite was in retreat. It was being seen off by a coven of corvid. We lost count of the carved pumpkins on doorsteps and the miles of fake webs festooned over front gardens. Call me old fashioned if you like but when I was a boy growing up in England Hallowe’en was a non event. Less so in Scotland, perhaps, but nothing like the US version of Hallowe’en that infiltrated the U.K. in the 1980s , made in Chinese factories, and fast tracked to landfill on All Hallows’ Day!

This morning I was “in Cairo” talking to a client and listening to the cacophony of sparrows in their Egyptian garden. There is a big demonstration planned there next month to coincide with Cop 27.

This afternoon I gave a mock interview to the grandson of a friend who has some important interviews coming up next month.

It was 21 degrees here today. The lawn is still needing regular mowing. The clocks revert to GMT at 0200 tomorrow.

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