Snuggling in!

I think he missed me! After I fetch my first cup of tea to my bed in the morning Reg usually joins me, if he's not already crept in earlier in the night! Usually he just lays at the bottom of the bed on his blanket but today he's snuggled up close. Nice to be missed. He will probably remain there while I'm volunteering at the recycle shop. He is not an early riser.
I have some catching up things to do this afternoon, shopping being most  important. I left the fridge almost empty before I went away as I leave meals ready cooked in the freezer for B to easily reheat. 
There is a busy week ahead starting with another trip to the village hall tomorrow to serve teas and coffees after the church service. There is also lunch club, sewing group and matting. I still have mum's electricity bill to sort. She is still adamant they have it wrong and it has taken no end of emails for me to try and sort it. I think they have it right but explaining to mum has been impossible and she has been very distressed about it all. I've asked them to send all future bills and correspondence to me as this has been two months of torture. Mum will be 93 next month and I hate hearing her so upset about something which is fixable, although not in her eyes unfortunately! 
I'm hoping to take a couple of days the following week to see friends in Leicester but it's the week of train strikes. I already have my ticket but wish I'd opted to drive now! I've not seen them since we left Weymouth, what with all the Covid restrictions and various other things that got in the way. I'll be upset if the train strike scuppers my visit at the last minute. I guess I'll just have to wait and see with my fingers crossed!

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