View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Sound of Handa

Day 6 Much the same as yesterday, rain most of the day except for a short dry spell around lunchtime. Overnight one of the twins got out under the wire and was found dead this morning. We marked five lambs and one of the looked a bit poorly so we brought it up with it's mum and put it in the garden. It was the ewe who had lost the twin lamb the other night and this one was a skinny we thing.
I went up to Scourie and then down to R's house to pick up a spindle so that I could ply my spun yarn. When I came back The Crofter had the little poorly lamb in a box in front of the fire. I would't take any milk so we decided to turn the ewe up and see if I could get some of here milk and she had loads of it. All evening I have been filling a syringe and feeding it into the lamb but it is not responding so may be too late.
I forgot that we rescued a ewe and her lamb from the cliff. She had come down a bit and was on the rocks so we managed to get a hold of the lamb and she followed it.

Time take 11.18 am.

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