Skeleton leaf

Sometimes an accidental effect adds to a photograph. Sometimes it is rather annoying, as is the case here. I'm not quite sure how I have ended up with a grid around my skeleton leaf, but since this is the only photograph that I have taken all day, and I like the subject matter, I'm keeping it as my blip.

Most of the day I have been outside in the back garden sweeping up leaves to add to the compost bin, planting bulbs, and weeding. Mr hazelh joined me for a while, helping to speed up the leaf-gathering process.

I ran out of darning wool on Friday, so we popped up to John Lewis this afternoon to replenish supplies. We learnt from a shop assistant that John Lewis is having stocking problems with the brand that I usually buy and he recommended that we try elsewhere. I may end up making an online purchase.

Mr hazelh is on jury service (details to be confirmed in the morning) so I will be in charge of the builders at the back of the house. Here's hoping that there aren't complicated questions about electrical wiring or water tanks.

Exercise today: gardening.

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