It should be so simple....

SPRING forward   FALL back
So why do I struggle so much? What time did I take this photo? Was it 7.45 or maybe 6.45 or possibly 8.45. Which clocks change themselves and which need to be manually altered and how many have been done by wife1 before I got up?

The day always starts badly when you find you got up an hour earlier than you expected. The day finishes badly when you find it is totally dark outside and its only 5.30pm.

It took me ages to work out how to change the clock on the radio in the garage. It took almost as long to work out how to change it back when I realised it was on auto change and did not need my intervention.

Having taken this clock down and altered it (correctly), by the time I manage to find the nail on the wall to rehang it and make sure it is level, it is almost time to move to British Summer Time again.

And then there is my body clock that will run on BST for at least a week longer.

One piece of good news, the clock in the Belingo is now correct, it has been an hour out for about the last six months.

Semi-annual moan over

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