This is Scooby, he’s blind with cataracts but manages pretty well . He’s certainly well able to bark and growl. But then so would I if I couldn’t see anything!
He belongs to Laura who came and clipped Daisy today, just an Irish trace clip as we’re really only happy hacking at the moment. Riding club instructor is off for a knee replacement and my other nearby favourite has just left ( bummer) so I won’t be doing anything very much to get her sweaty for a while .
Out to postnatal , baby was a dream with the heel prick test , she didn’t bat a baby eyelid.
Home ( in the dusk) to a Sunday roast dinner cooked by Liz - that doesn’t happen very often, what a treat. I’ll be having a gentle little chat with Hubs about cooking ratios when he gets back !!
The local seniors team just won the Hurling county final, the village has gone mad with a parade honking cars and the village fire engine and a few early Halloweeners. A few pint of the black stuff will be drunk alright tonight to celebrate.

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