Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Cherry Snow

Today was the epitome of Monday Madness.

I taught a junior high school class in the early morning, met with some older students to review their papers afterwards, then helped a faculty colleague who's afriad to fail a student (fine, I'll do the necessary dirty work). Then I decided to rush over and join my girlfriends at a breakfast I was missing, where I could only stay for about 15 minutes before racing out to meet executive relocation clients for house-hunting in Dortmund. Between appointments I declined a job offer to teach Medical German (my language skills are good, but not that good!).

Getting home a little after 7:30 to catch up with the kids and their homework needs before filing my work report, the only thing I had time to blip was the lovely cherry snow that covers the ground in pink. I snapped this quickly as I stepped out of my car this evening. Even when they've fallen from the tress, the cherry blossoms make me feel happily welcomed home :)

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