Back On The Water

This triple-masted topsail-schooner, with an overall length of 50 metres is the Thor Heyerdahl and since 1996 has been the flag ship of High Seas High School (HSHS) of Germany. She has accommodation for 32 students and young adults and sails with students during the winter to South and Central America on six to seven month voyages.
We saw her at her buoy in Falmouth when out rowing with Epic this morning, possibly the last clear view we had of anything before the rain hammered down.
So the row completed I settled down to a Sunday without Sam, just Mrs S and I, first time for a while.

Mrs S took herself off for a swim whilst I walked Paddy, roast dinner and then I settled down with my book until the new TV series started at nine. Spoke to both Sam & Josh, another good day.

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