Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Salt not Soup

Today has been a National Holiday in Guyana, but I've been busy working on completing some training presentations for later in the week. As the office was shut I went round to my colleague Noemi's house to work.

Noemi used to be a chef before she changed careers and she cooked me lunch which was risotto with fungi and asparagus. It was very tasty and very filling. While I was sat at the table I noticed this container of salt and was initially drawn to it as it was Himalayan salt and Noemi has a really funny way of pronouncing Himalaya, and then I noticed that it was Primordial sea salt.

Apparently because this salt has come from the Himalaya's it is really really old and is very pure and not 'contaminated' like normal sea salt extracted from the sea now.

Perhaps this should be an ingredient in a Primordial Soup rather than risotto?

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