AW is 70!

The whole fam bam this evening at a popular Chinese buffet, where all four grandchildren were pleased with the fact that they were allowed to revisit the whole spread several times, and not have to stuff their plates, and were charmed that they could get a new plate every visit and the used plates would be whisked away by the staff.  Nani had prepared a card for 'Opa' and included a chocolate coin with it.  This was also the first dinner where daughter Cilla, her partner Moose (his real nickname!), and their children Wendy and Sonny joined us.  After 12 years, the family is finally complete again.  The evening was a riot with the kids running back and forth and sampling some things they'd never tried before, but which looked so delicious they couldn't help it.  Wendy saw me eating oysters and decided she had to have them, too, and ended up eating more of them than I did.  Of course, since I was the one who set it up, I had the least appetite of all.  AW, though, had a fabulous time... which was exactly what I wanted for him -- a grand evening with his children and grandchildren.  We have all changed through the years, and our time together was relaxed, spontaneous, hilarious, and thoroughly 'hung out'.

Earlier in the afternoon, after a slow morning, perhaps because DST was over, we actually went shopping -- the latest Samsung for him, which was my present, and then a washing machine... hurrah!  It will be delivered this coming weekend!

Some extras... what a lovely time we had!  It took 12 years and was more than worth it.

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