Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


The classic joke goes: - “I stood up for you the other day -
Someone said you weren't fit to live with pigs and I assured them that you are.” Boom Boom!

This is exactly the kind of material that excuses itself as “harmless banter” when it's actually a cover for dressing-room racism, coercive control, and a multitude of other abuses.
I like to think that mostly, those who spout it have no idea of the effect it has upon everyone who is not a fit-and-healthy white male, and that if that were pointed out to them, they might stop spouting it.

And that might be the first step to getting that same group to accept that other voices should be listened to -
Why does a Scandinavian teenager truant all the time to discuss climate damage with world leaders?
Why do people risk their lives every day in flimsy boats to cross the English channel?

Well, I'm sorry to say that a great many fit-and-healthy white males actually enjoy the swagger.
Yes of course they understand that it isn't all harmless banter and is actually offensive, but they couldn't give a shit, actually, and enjoy watching the body-language of those they upset.
Yes they do.

This bottle of wine is a “Thank-you” gift to me for making some drawings for the boss's dad.
The boss's dad is the former boss and also owns the company, including his son.
There is no reason to “thank me” for doing my job and there is certainly no reason to make a 25 mile round trip in a Maserati Super Sports car to hand-deliver a fifteen quid bottle of wine with a pointed label to the only member of staff who has proven that they care more about the health of our planet than personal wealth.

I think it's a taunt, but if you can see any innocent ignorance and generosity in this please do show me where it has been hidden.

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