Picture Consequences

By consequences

World turned upside down

Lately, I'd become used to some strange experiences, but this felt the strangest so far.

In the past, I'd had dreams where I'd suddenly discover I could fly - but this felt very different. In those dreams, I'd power into the air and soar about, like some swooping bird.

This felt more like the kind of buoyancy you'd expect in water. I'd simply drifted upwards without thinking; this was more floating than flying.

One-handed, I pushed myself down from the underside of the arch. This had the effect of spinning me round, so that I was facing upwards, drifting back up towards the stone surface.

I put my arms out to stop myself, and as my feet also made contact with the arch, I pushed myself along head first. Again, it felt like swimming, but with less resistance than you'd feel in water. There was that same buoyant sensation, that feeling of your strength taking you further than expected.

As I cleared the underside of the bridge, I found myself looking up at the hugeness of the sky, framed by the leafy branches of trees.

I was still drifting upwards it seemed, and experienced a burst of panic as I realised I now had no surface to push against. My heart leapt, as I imagined myself rising and rising forever, unable to control this feeling of buoyancy.

If I'd discovered this new talent before I'd discovered I could instantly transport myself, that might well have been what happened; an uncontrolled upward drift - until I froze to death, perhaps.

Instead, I took a calming breath, and decided I was going to turn myself around - and yes, I could feel it happening!

Then, deciding this was more than enough excitement for now, I willed myself gently toward the ground.

It was time I got back to Kate.

Story begins here.

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