Monday: La Isla Bonita

I travelled up to Belize City early this morning to catch the water taxi express to San Pedro, the inspiration for Madonna’s ‘La Isla Bonita’.  I met up with a few colleagues from the UK and Guyana as we were all travelling over to mark the launch of an initiative that we’ve assisted with (well, if truth be told, my predecessor).  

It was a boat ride of about 90 minutes each way.  Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see much of San Pedro as the boat took us straight into the Grand Caribe resort and picked us up from there too.  I did make a friend, though (see extra).  In fact, he brought over four of his buddies.  But I like the look of what I saw from the boat and think we’ll definitely be back.

Back in Belize City for the night.  My colleagues have a programme of meetings while they’re here but we’ve had to significantly rework it as we’re on a hurricane category 1 warning for Wednesday……..

We found a decent restaurant, the ‘Riverside Tavern’ for dinner.  One of my colleagues is vegan which is really hard to transmit here as a concept.

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