
Well, I certainly unleashed a torrent of wonderful commentary yesterday. Thanks to everyone who contributed. There was a pretty unanimous feeling of disgust at this strange fashion trend and some useful theories and explanation too. It's been a lot of fun reading what you had to say, and the strength of the feeling. Quite a few of you share that thought of wanting to hoist the sagging jeans up but about an equal number have to suppress a desire to pull them down. You're braver than me!

I need to keep this short tonight as the day has run away with me. I got to a stopping point with work just after lunch, at which time, pretty much on cue, the clouds started to clear to leave the sunny and warm afternoon that had been predicted all weekend. I got my long cycle ride in, to the top of Fleet Moss, but had to turn back without dropping into Hawes because I simply ran out of time. I got way too distracted by photography and meeting a number of lovely people. I think the sunshine was bringing out smiles on people's faces and that is always an open invitation to engage. Everybody I met was so chatty!

The air temperature was still quite cool early afternoon but by the time I turned around the skies had cleared almost completely and it was very pleasantly warm. The light was also quite gorgeous. This is a little footbridge over the River Wharfe at Langstrothdale. I could probably have jumped across at this point. It's hard to believe that this is the same river as photographed here last summer in Ilkley, just some thirty miles downstream.

It's almost midnight as I post this and I've still not had my bath yet. My water will be getting cold.

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