
By Flossmo

Dark evenings

I don't like the period between the clocks going back and the end of the year. The evenings get ever shorter and the likelihood of wind and rain and snow even, increases. Brr.

Today was a good example. I got up early because my leg was hurting after the fall yesterday and I thought I would be better sitting up. But the house was cold and I sat huddled under a blanket as I ate my breakfast. Then we had our covid jabs. We made our way to the centre in pouring rain and strong winds. At least the organization was superb and we were in and out before we noticed it. No major side effects although my upper arm is a little sore around the injection site.

Back home I got on with finishing the framing for the exhibition next week whilst rain intermittently lashed the windows. Just the labels left to do now. At 5 pm I remembered I needed a blip but by then it was dark and still very wet. So Sky came to the rescue. It's not the best photograph ever but just seeing her curled up on her piece of sheepskin, fully recovered from her recent wound, makes me smile.

My leg is still hurting but I am optimistic it will improve over the next few days. At least it doesn't hurt all the time, only when I bend it, so getting up, sitting down and walking up and down stairs are the most painful activities.

Only seven or so weeks and the days will be getting longer. Roll on January.

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