Drunk on Clouds

By oncloud9

Daisy Watch, day 1

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen of the blip-world. I present to you Daisy Watch: 2007. In this unassuming planter I have placed lavender and daisy seeds. Yes, I know the name is misleading, but Daisy Watch sounded better than Lavender and Daisy Watch.

Anyway, my blips will now consist of daily shots of this planter, until I'm satisfied that it is pretty enough to stop.

I actually had a very pleasant morning. I woke up early, deposited my paycheck, and set about planting all the seeds and seedlings that are wonderfully cheap this time of year. I got hot, dusty, sweaty, and dirty....and it was absolutely blissful! It was nice to plant in the cool morning breeze with nothing but the sounds of songbirds. I put out another bird feeder as a token of my appreciation.

Other than daisies and lavender, I planted another succulent, chives, cilantro, a rosebush, and replanted my giant rosemary plant. I don't really have a method to the madness known as my patio garden. If I like the shape or color, chances are I'll be taking it home.

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