Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A Titmouse Kind of Day

I am feeling in sort of a rut lately - going from titmouse to chickadee to nuthatch with a side of dog, and then repeat.  But with several days of warm weather ahead, perhaps I will try to scare up some insects tomorrow (you've been warned).  For today, a Tufted Titmouse - always adorable and always around.  

Jax and I met picked up my friend Barbara at the farm today and went to for a nice long walk.  Jax was on his best behavior, mostly interested in sniffing everything and not getting overly excited about the various dogs we saw.  One thing I have realized is that if the dogs we meet are calm, Jax is less rambunctious and easier to control.  Today I did not let him meet any of the dogs we passed - seems mean, but he needs to learn that he can walk past another dog without engaging.  Anyway, there was so much to sniff that he wore himself out. He's now sounds asleep - on the cat bed.  Of course.

I had to make a quick trip to my doctor this morning to get tested for Lyme.  I've had 3 deer ticks on my in the last few days and I don't want to take any chances.  So, I single dose of Doxy and then a retest in a month.  I am willing to contemplate a world without ticks.  Nasty little things.

Dark with nuts today.


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