The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Basil is my friend's kitten, just six months old. I visited her today on business, not pleasure, but Basil obliged with some poses, and she explained that the grandchildren had persuaded her to get a new feline friend.

Long day at work. A meeting went well, though I had to leave early and I am not sure what was discussed after I left. I have a feeling It might involve more learning for me. 

The meeting I set up between two residents of the same street went well, and I hope that they will see more of each other. 

Going back home, I got utterly drenched. Had to have a bath to warm up, then made a vat of carrot and ginger soup. I'll freeze some for another day. Now watching The personal.history of David Copperfield on TV, and feeling achey in the legs. 

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