Do hate getting behind on blip!?!?&!@!?

Anyway….after lots and lots of deliberation we decided to head into Guildford.
#this photo is just my reminder of the funniest car journey ever…we decided to be good environmentally and use the park and ride…parked, waited for bus…noticed not running until 2023!!!!! Tried another one…didn’t exist..did several laps of the one way system..found near empty car park…NO …not open to public Monday-Friday. Few more laps of Guildford..lots of road rage, swearing and laughter!!!!!!
#However we had a good shop eventually!!
# stopped for lunch..bagels and a bottle of juice with a message…your little bottle of happiness ah so sweet.
#C definitely not happy as hers said ..your little bottle of seasonality …what’s that!!! Oooo she had the hump.
#more laughter as L went off to get the car and yet again did a few laps of the town!!!!
when we got back it was curry and a Netflix series..
#C has been named the liquidator…rather than a feeder she plies us with alcohol!!!
#and so the laughter continued when I couldn’t find my phone as I was on it talking to The Rev…oh dear…bedtime I think!!

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