such a gorgeous day

The light was divine, the colors still gorgeous. I can't capture how lovely it was so I added some flare to this picture to try to push it in the correct direction. I'm glad I live someplace that has Autumn and Spring (although I'm not so fond of winter and summer). At the beginning of the pandemic when we didn't know how contagious the virus was I only walked Samuel in the woods - not on the path - in the woods. He got so incredibly fed up that one day he braced all four feet and refused to go. This morning he still didn't want to go with me. 

This weekend I dug up one of my hostas. I had one hosta too many as it was growing over the stone path. Today I gifted it to my neighbor (the one with plants) who will give it a good home. 

I'm wondering if I need to remove the fallen leaves from my mitchella repens and Irish Moss so they can get sun. ???

Ethiopia and Tigray hopefully stopped war. It is a "permanent cessation of hostilities" which is good enough for me. 

The "full recovery" comment for Paul Pelosi was put out by the speaker's office, not by doctors. Obviously, his doctors can't comment, but Thomas Scalea, chief surgeon at the University of Maryland's Shock Trauma Center (ie different hospital) said that his process and outcomes are completely unknown and it would be stupid to hypothesize. He was unconscious for three minutes but has good recall of what happened before the attack, which is a good sign. He may have a good outcome. 

Ukraine has sea drones, or remote controlled boats and although Ukraine hasn't claimed credit for attacking Russia's ship in the Black Sea, everyone else is giving them credit. Russia says it was seven sea drones, air drones, and British help. The US, Germany, and other allies have given Ukraine sea drones. 

There is video of a man supposedly putting explosives on a Russian helicopter inside of Russia, 35 km from the border with Latvia. Later satellite imagery shows several damaged helicopters. There is no proof that Ukrainian Special Forces did it, but Ukraine did report it awfully quickly.

A Russian TV guest, a professor at Moscow State University, stated that Russia underestimated the US and was surprised at the unity of the West. "Trump gave us four years, realistically, having shot down all sanctions, Trump had given us four years to get ready for what is happening right now." 

Ukraine said it shot down 44 Russian missiles Monday morning, "before their first cup of coffee." 

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