Living my dream

By Mima

Not smoke

This is not a smoking pittosporum bush, but the sprinkler showering water onto the brassica bed. Despite 3mm of rain falling this morning, the raised beds are dry enough to need a top up from the water tank via the hose.

What you can’t see are the sparrows who were having a wonderful time flying through the fine spray. As soon as I started to take photos they skedaddled. Once I stopped, they returned. I have no idea what that was about.

It was a cool cloudy morning - which saw me in long pants - by mid-afternoon I was back in shorts when the sun returned and it reached 25C again. Happy days.

Mind you it made it hot sticky work in the tunnel house where I watered everything in there at the moment (mostly seedlings) and laid seepa hose on the soon-to-be sweetcorn bed. I was happy to jump under the shower after releasing myself from the sweat tunnel.

And yes, I did a bit more line trimming.

And Bean snoozed first under a blanket and then in the sun.

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