
By Legacy

A Real Beauty

Today I spent a good deal of time on the phone trying to iron out some bumps regarding my hand surgery next week.  There has been some cross-communication between doctors and a couple of small rocks thrown in the procedure.  Not enough drama to derail the event but just enough to cause me some anxiety.  I finally got everything straightened out and then had a comforting call with my son who is my medical advocate.  He always seems to be able to put things on track so I felt much better after our conversation.  

This evening Mary Jo came over and made a valiant attempt to instruct me in Lightroom.  Sadly, it's going to be an uphill battle for her.  We spent a couple hours editing the photos we took of my grandson and his wife this past Saturday for their pregnancy album.  We took waaaay too many photos but it's really hard to know when to stop and the next photo in the bunch always looks like a better one than the first.  

For her blip tonight Mary Jo posted a great picture of a handsome buck she found on her way into my apartment complex.  When I looked out my back door I saw this pretty doe.  Usually at night we get a small herd of deer although I don't know if they were together or not.  They seem to spread themselves out over the area and rest for the evening.  This little lady was particularly beautiful I thought.  

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