Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Tall grass

I thought these grasses were quite impressive. I made bread in the morning before going up to the Mairie for a meeting. We have a proposal for the installation of heating in the church. The Maire, or rather his deputy, was very negative and kept putting obstacles in the way and insisted that all heating costs would in the future falls to us. When I pointed out that the commune pays for the heating in the Catholic Church and that we should be treated the same, I faced a brick wall. I am told this contravenes the rules of laicité  by which all religions should be considered equal given that the commune owns both buildings. Another stumbling block was insurance. As our legal position is one of tenant, we would be responsible for any consequence of malfunction and damage to the building but our insurers won't cover us for this. French administration is difficult enough when there is goodwill but if one party wants to be obstructive it is a nightmare! We will just have to to find a way to work around the problems. I went to the church this afternoon with a couple of others to tie rubber cushions on the clapper of the heaviest bell to reduce its volume slightly.

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