Fossil fuel protests in Glasgow
Up to town today for various things, including buying a new desk chair for myself and getting a haircut. Also managed to pick up the latest Secret Barrister book, Nothing But The Truth, to add to my growing reading pile.
It was a nice change to get a sunny day and I managed about 4 miles wandering around the city centre, some of which time was spent photographing nooks and crannies. The nooks are in the extras; the crannies are personal.
I also looked in to Compass Gallery and saw a couple of delicious small oils by Elizabeth Cope. Very tempting, but not to be bought today.
Found myself getting into some catastrophic thinking whilst driving, but recognised what I was doing and intercepted the thoughts. This CBT thing seems to be making a difference.
Lunch at the excellent Stereo, where, sadly, they no longer offer pizza.
Home before five and in plenty of time to cook tea.
I'll still need to be up in town in another week or so, because my new glasses won't be ready until then. Perhaps I'll go back to the gallery ...
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