Ghostly going’s on

Out off the office, across into the fens for a meeting. All good and I do love the wide openness of the fens and the massive skies. Not that the sky is any smaller anywhere else..

On the way home H rang and said she was heading home from work as she felt unwell. By the time I got back she was in bed, we think she’s got food poisoning or a bug, poor lamb. Not a good week.

So I cooked for the children then left H asleep and went to Jam night.
A massive turnout, and some very good acts. I got up with some folks and played a couple, very nerve wracking but great fun.

I took this on the way home, the road used to be the main runway at RAF Little Walden, people died there, apparently there is at least one ghost.

You can watch some bloke talking about here..

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