Gather Round The Table

The Women's Ministry team invited the ladies of our church to our first Gather Round The Table event. Of course, there was some really wonderful food after which we lifted our voices in some worshipful praise songs led by Jana Morris on guitar. We sang two of my newer favorites , I love "King of Kings" because it takes us through the whole life of Jesus and I especially love singing "The Goodness Of God", because that speaks to my personal story and experience with God! We finished up with an inspiring speaker, Jenifer Wakefield, who told us that as we are living out our lives as believers and children of God, we need to know for certain where we stand with God, so that we can be confident as we face the world, the flesh and the Devil, that God is in control and already victorious. We just need to keep our eyes on him and the channels of communication open to know what He wants us to do. We all have challenges and times we will be tempted, but we can come and lay those experiences at the cross because that is where Jesus paid the price for our redemption. It was a wonderful evening. Thank you to all who had any part in the planning and preparation. I did put that one shot of Alisa in the collage as she was working on getting everything set up, so that you could see the amount of work that went into this gathering.......

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