Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2868. Travelling light…

well I will be when we go away for a couple of nights to the Durham area to catch up with some friends.  We only see them annually for a couple of nights and last year we were in the Lake District, but decided on a change this year so we’ve booked a country pub for a couple of nights.  We bought these mini suitcases a few years ago, I got this one in Krakow and when we got home my hubby wanted one too so he managed to source  another one in a bright blue colour.  They are perfect for a just a few nights.

We’ve been to the cinema this afternoon to see a film called “Living”, it stars Bill Nighy and it was a wonderful, thoughtful story of a man facing the last six months of his life and wanting to “live” a little and change something that would last beyond him.

My middle step daughter tested positive for covid yesterday so we won’t see her or her partner tomorrow for lunch.  I guess that just brings home the fact that covid is still very much with us.  Her partner hasn’t  tested positive but was told to stay off work today just in case he did.  It amazed me when talking to people from England a few weeks ago how blasé people seem to be elsewhere about covid.  I was surprised to hear that people were expected to go into work when they were positive for covid, even someone who worked in the NHS!  We are still being cautious about covid and will continue to do so as I really don’t want another bout of it!

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