Win some loose some!

An interesting day. Blue skies were misleading, it was cold, as I found to my cost when I popped out to the garage in my pj’s first thing!!!!

I rang the surgery to see if I could book a flu jab, no ….. ring back in two weeks. How many times have I heard this. Drove up to the pharmacy to collect my tablets and enquired about a flu jab, yes….!!!! In 10 days time and I have a quiet day the next day in case of side effects!!

Got a follow up appointment for my scan results, but the date is a problem….. we are in London that day, everything booked. The hospital have cancelled my previous two appointments at the last minute, so I rang to get it changed. I won’t bother you with the boring details of the following hour that it took, but I now have a new apt two weeks later on a free day, with a text message confirmation as evidence!!

We were expecting a visit from an engineer to sort our alarm. A named man was due between 1 - 5 and would call before arrival. Whilst I waited I worked on some Nurses League stuff, which I’ve been putting off for a month. I eventually completed it and emailed it out, such a relief !!!! The downside was that the engineer didn’t turn up. 

It was after 5 when we took Amber out for her walk, in the dark. Not much fun, apart from the flashing lights on her collar. 

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