
Sent to me by a friend - not the most inspiring or uplifting but a fairly apt description of November.

Today started with a short walk with No1 as the sun was shining. Still quiet and reflective but that’s understandable. Home for quick shower and off to S for coffee. It was the first time I had seen the EF girls since the news and there was tears and compassion and understanding……. Then the chat turned to Netflix, Brexit, washing machines …… it didn’t feel right but it’s going on in my life not theirs?

Home for lunch and a late afternoon decision to have a trip out for a change of scenery with No1 - we visited George and TK and had a wander then called into see MIL on the way home. Meanwhile JC had cooked a delicious bolognaise with a few secret ingredients- it was delicious. Another day done although more waiting while No.1 finds out if she will be paid during her absence? Very poor sick pay scheme which might only be four weeks? More to think about.

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