Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Trying it out for size!

Another day of sunshine. I have spent my first kids and assignment free day stuck behind the computer doing stuff I haven't had time to do yet, like email the milkman who hasn't noticed I've been paying via BACS and filling out various forms.

William was eager to see T this morning to boast about his new found cycling ability. She was very impressed. Then off he went and I headed into school for an hour. After that a quick trip to the boys school to recce the party room for next weekend but one and then home to do the various jobs.

Picked up C from school and took her to the local bike shop to try he out on the big bikes. This is her on the 24" ridgeback. She was a little wobbly at first but the road we were on was a slight hill so she was working hard going up and hanging on the brakes coming down. This is likely to be the bike we get as a 20" would fit well now but not allow much growing and she does like to grow. Just can't quite get my head round buying a 24" bike for a child who is not yet 6!

Off to governors meeting at 6pm tonight, then onto the antenatal class straight after. Daddy is doing bedtime so lets hope they behave for him. Hopefully back to to catch most of the first episode of The Apprentice.

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